Joseph Heschmeyer

Joseph Heschmeyer

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Joseph Heschmeyer is an apologist for Catholic Answers. A former lawyer then former seminarian now turned author and Catholic speaker. He lives near Kansas City with his wife Anna and their children.

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Is Marian Devotion Dangerous?

Scripture prophesies and prescribes Marian devotion, and a careful reading of the New and Old Testament together shows that Mary is given a pride of place rarely (if ever) found in Protestant denominations.  But that is not the end of the story. Protestants examining this evidence will sometimes be intellectually...

The Tragic Case for Christ

Humans know two things: how things are (the World), and how they should be (the Ideal). I don’t mean that we know these things perfectly, or that every person completely agrees with every other person about what is or what ought to be. But everyone has some sense of...

How the Catholic Church Saved Hanukkah

As BuzzFeed recently demonstrated, a lot of Christians are ignorant as to what Hanukkah is. That’s a shame, not least of all because the story of Hanukkah is closely intertwined with Catholic history. Here are two facts that you might not know about the Catholic connection to Hanukkah. 1)...

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