What’s your plan to grow closer to God in 2025?

In this episode of "The Catholic Gentleman," John Heinen and Sam Guzman discuss why only nine percent of people succeed with their New Year’s resolutions. 

They also share three ways you can craft spiritual, mental and physical resolutions that honor God!

1) Commit to a Daily Habit of Prayer

Prayer is essential for spiritual growth, but it doesn’t have to feel overwhelming.

When I’m doing it because I love Christ and I understand that God’s Grace is there with me, endless possibility overcomes me,” Heinen says.

Dedicate a set time each day for prayer—even just a few minutes with the Rosary. By staying consistent, you’ll grow in your relationship with Christ and find the grace to overcome challenges in all areas of life.

2) Focus on Achievable Goals

Set bold, but realistic goals to inspire lasting change. Whether it’s improving your health, strengthening your relationships, or growing in holiness, having clear and specific resolutions will help you stay focused.

Guzman explains that "if you don’t have a goal, don’t be surprised when you don’t reach your destination.”

Start small, like reading 10 pages of the Bible daily or waking up 15 minutes earlier for prayer. Let these small wins build up momentum over time.

3) Persevere with Love, not Fear

Lasting change requires perseverance, but motivation fueled by love—rather than fear of failure—makes all the difference.

“Love of God is a far more powerful motivator. It’s a magnetic force that helps you persevere through difficulties,” Guzman says.

Keep your love for God, family, and others in focus to stay on track whenever you're struggling to keep your resolutions.

The gentlemen say that resolutions rooted in faith could change your life and bring you closer to Christ!

Watch this episode below 👇

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“During this New Year, I resolve to begin a new life.” - Saint Gemma Galgani 🙏
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