[See also: 10 Saints Every Student Needs For Going Back to School]
[See also: The Haunting Stories of 5 Saints Who Battled Demons]
1) St. Defendens – patron saint for defense against wolf attacks

St. Defendens was a 4th century Roman solider who was martyred for the faith. For some reason he is invoked for defense against wolf attacks. If you’re ever in the situation, you’ll know whose intercession to ask for!
2) St. Expeditus – patron saint against procrastination

St. Expeditus was a Roman centurion who was martyred in the early 4th century. Due to his name, he came to be the patron saint of speedy solutions, navigators, and against procrastination. Pass this on to the student in your life?
3) St. Gratus of Aosta – patron saint of the fear of insects

St. Gratus of Aosta was a holy bishop of small town in Italy in the 5th century. In the 15th century, his intercession was sought against a plague of insects, and he has been the patron of the fear of insects ever since.
4) Frances of Rome – patron saint of automobile drivers

St. Frances of Rome was a 14th century wife, mother, and mystic who founded a community of Benedictine oblates.
In 1925, Pope Pius XI named her the patron saint of the users of a new fangled invention, the automobile. This was because there’s a legend that when she would travel alone at night, an angel would light the way for her with a lantern.
5) St. Apollonia – patron saint for relief of toothaches

St. Apollonia was one of a group of virgins martyred in the mid-3rd century. Tradition says she was tortured first by having all of her teeth pulled out, explaining why she is the patron saint of toothaches.
6) St. Albinus of Angers – patron saint against pirate attacks

St. Albinus of Angers was a holy 6th century French abbot and bishop. He was famous for using church funds to ransom people captured by pirates. So next time you’re captured by pirates, you’ll know who to call!
7) St. Alexius of Rome – patron saint of belt makers

St. Alexius of Rome was a 5th century beggar who shared what he received with other poor people. For some reason, he’s the patron saint of belt makers.
8) St. Arnold of Soissons – patron saint of brewers

St. Arnold of Soissons was a hermit, and then a bishop, who brewed his own beer and encouraged peasants to drink beer rather than water. This was particularly helpful for warding off the black death. Pass this saint on to the craft beer enthusiast in your life!
What oddball patron saint did I miss? Share in the comments!
[See also: 5 Child Saints Who Totally Put All of Us Adults to Shame]
[See also: 5 Saints Who Totally Had Superpowers]