This is awesome! Praise God! 🙌
Television host Carson Daly recently commented on a Father Mike Schmitz video from the 10th National Eucharistic Congress that explains transubstantiation and the power of the Eucharist.
"When you (...) go to Mass, and here is the priest holding up Our Lord like this and just saying, 'God, Father, this for You.' You get to be a part of the redemption of humanity," Father Mike said in the video posted on Catholic News Agency.
Father Mike Schmitz's video said this about the Eucharist:
"When the priest says, 'This is my body given for you – elevation. This is My Blood given for you – elevation. That's like the incarnation. God is present among us. But it's this moment – it's the moment where the priest holds the Body of Christ and the Blood of Christ in his hands and says, 'Through Him, with Him, in Him.
"Who's Him? Jesus. You know this. 'In the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is Yours, Almighty Father, forever and ever.'
"You guys, that moment is the moment where Jesus on the cross says, 'Father into Your hands, I commend my spirit.'
"That moment is what's happening, and He cries out in a loud voice and breathes His last. And with that last ounce of breath, he offers on the cross His body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Mass.
"You guys– it's not just about what looking at Jesus. When you see the word lifted up like this, you are looking at Calvary. When you see the Lord lifted up like this, you're participating in His restoration of the world. When you get to go to Mass and here is the priest holding up Our Lord like this and just saying, 'God, Father, this for You. You get to be a part of the redemption of humanity."
Carson Daly Says 'I'm Never Missing Mass Again' After Watching Father Mike Schmitz Video on the Eucharist
In a response to Father Mike's video, "Today" television host Carson Daly said, "I'm never missing Mass again."

Carson Daly has openly expressed his Catholic faith over the years.
In a 2019 "Today" show discussion, Daly said he considered becoming a priest before entering showbusiness. He also said he "was willing to take a vow of poverty."
"I was almost going to become a priest," Daly said. "I really thought about it."