5 Myths About Purgatory That Too Many People Still Believe (Maybe Even You!)
"Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord..."
"Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord..."
Help spread the truth about the Eucharist! Chaldean Catholic priest Fr. Simon Esshaki posted a video addressing last year’s Pew Study regarding Catholics’ disbelief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. According to the study, almost 70 percent of Catholics do not believe in the real Eucharistic...
This is so inspiring! 🙌 Catholic theologian Scott Hahn recently spoke with ChurchPOP English editor Jacqueline Burkepile about his latest book, Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body. The founder of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology provides hope, especially during this coronavirus...
Did you know that Ash Wednesday is NOT a Holy Day of Obligation? This is a common misconception amongst Catholics. But why is this day not considered a holy day of obligation? Fr. Mike Schmitz beautifully explains this below: Click here if you cannot see the video above. The video’...
While I was in Chicago for the Christmas break, I had a wonderful meeting with around thirty young Jesuits, all in their “pre-tertianship” period of formation. This means that these men had already passed through their lengthy education in philosophy and theology and had been involved for some time in...
How much do you love the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen?! If you haven’t listened to him before, the video below will make you want to more often! In this amazing talk based on his 1972 book “The Woman I Love,” Archbishop Sheen discusses the powerful intercession of the...